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Job Offer: Male Kiwifruit Flower Picking:CJS Family Trust

Job description:

CJS Family Trust, Motueka - Nelson-Marlborough


Male Kiwifruit Flower Picking, Agriculture and Forestry Seasonal jobs inMotueka Nelson-Marlborough New Zealand


 I have a 0.65 Ha block of male kiwifruit vines located in the Motueka river valley about 10 Km south of Motueka. I need 10 pickers to start harvest on or around 19th November.
The work is not physically demanding but as the vines are grown on a pergola framework about 1.9 meters high very short or tall people may struggle.
 The season runs for approximately 2 weeks.
 We pick the whole block every day.
 Early in the season Information technology takes around 5-6 hours.
 At the peak of flowering Information technology takes around 8 hours.
 The work is on a contract basis paid per kilo of flower picked with good pickers picking up to and over 30 kg per day.
 The orchard is located beside the Motueka river and people may park a campervan on my river paddock.
There is no shower or washing facilities but there will be a portaloo on site.
 I don't run a pickup service so you must have your own transport.
 Please text or call Shane on: 0212771207

Positions:      10
Pay:      $15.00 per Kilo picked, Including H.P.


Job Category:  [ View All Jobs ]
Language requirements:
Employment type:
Salary: Unspecified
Degree: Unspecified
Experience (year): Unspecified
Job Location: Nelson-Marlborough, Other
Company Type Employer
Post Date: 2025/02/19 / Viewed 3799 times
Contact Information
Company: CJS Family Trust

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