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Job Opportunity: Health New Zealand – National Commissioner:Maori Pacific Jobs

Job description:

Job Description

National Commissioner
Following the Health and Discapability System Review, results indicated that the complicated healthcare system in New Zealand was contributing to inequity and a lack of consistency in care. In order to simplify and coordinate the health system across the country, a new organisation has been created - Hauora Aotearoa | Health New Zealand (HealthNZ). HealthNZ has been created to achieve a vision of pae ora, healthy futures for all New Zealanders. The new system will be established around the priority results of partnership, equity, sustaincapability, person- and wh?nau-centred care, and excellence. The formation of HealthNZ is a truly bold and courageous step in the journey to transform the way that health services are delivered in Aotearoa New Zealand.
HealthNZ will manage the health system day to day and will plan and commission health services for the whole population - with responsibility for improving service delivery and results at all levels. The new organisation will unify the existing public health service, ensuring decisions on the ground are made in alignment with the strategic and national policy direction of the Ministry of Health. Inpartnership with the M?ori Health Authority, HealthNZ will ensure that the system has a strong focus on health results and care for M?ori.
The newly created function of National Commissioner will lead the National Commissioning Business Unit in the funding, planning, evaluating, and monitoring of services that are publicly funded nationally, regionally, and locally. This person will enable the contracting and procuring of all services in alignment with HealthNZ's wider health and equity priorities. With an emphasis on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the National Commissioner will work alongside the executive to bring to life the Waka Hourua Kawenata - with the two worldviews moving together in a common direction.
This is an exciting, one-in-a-career opportunity to genuinely transform the quality and coverage of health services in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Directorate brings together existing DHB Planning & Funding teams and Ministry of Health Commissioning teams. The scale of the function is truly significant - the National Commissioner will have ownership of an operational budget of circa $7b, and will lead a team of 1200 FTE. As an integral member of the HealthNZ executive leadership abilities team, the National Commissioner will be the public face of the Commissioning Directorate - ensuring HealthNZ operates with integrity and is viewed as a credible partner. The National Commissioner will be instrumental in ensuring the achievement of the Government's objectives for the health and wellbeing of all New Zealanders.
Given the scale and importance of the newly created Business Unit, the National Commissioner will play a critical leadership abilities function across the organisation and the health system - ensuring a availability to innovate and improve systems and services in order to achieve wider objectives for health and wellbeing. The function and the organisation are highly complex, so candidates will need to possess outstanding leadership abilities practice in large complex organisations, be excellent stakeholder managers, and have a genuine depth of significant expertise to draw on to provide real thought leadership abilities.
At a personal level, candidates will be practiced in implementing Te Tiriti and will be instinctively committed to striving for health equity and to the service of a highly diverse community.
HealthNZ is working alongside search firms Kerridge & Partners and Mana Recruitment to manage the appointments of its executive team. To express interest in this opportunity, Contact Us by Zoë Watson at Kerridge & Partners onzoe.watson@kerridgepartners.comby 5pm, Monday 30th May 2022.

How to submit the application:

HealthNZ is working alongside search firms Kerridge & Partners and Mana Recruitment to manage the appointments of its executive team.
To express interest in this opportunity, Contact Us by Zoë Watson at Kerridge & Partners onzoe.watson@kerridgepartners.comby 5pm, Monday 30th May 2022 .


Job Category:  [ View All Jobs ]
Language requirements:
Employment type:
Salary: Unspecified
Degree: Unspecified
Experience (year): Unspecified
Job Location: Other
Company Type Employer
Post Date: 2025/02/19 / Viewed 7618 times
Contact Information
Company: Maori Pacific Jobs
Contact Email: onzoe.watson@kerridgepartners.comby

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