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    Job details

Programme Manager: leadership abilities Development:HainesAttract

Job description:

Job Description

   » An opportunity to contribute to the development of our new Health system
   » Six month fixed-term or secondment function
   » Flexible location with national travel
iHNZ is inviting expressions of interest from people with knowledge, skills and practice in developing leadership abilities programmes in complex systems.
We are seeking for either full-time or part-time people to work with us on a 6 month secondment or fixed-term contract to support iHNZ’s development of a business case for a leadership abilities programme targeted to commissioners of the new health system in the first instance.
The function will support two co-directors in the following:
   » Progress a process of discovery around the content, partnerships, implementation and costs of a Pae ora leadership abilities institute/w?nanga with a focus on commissioners of the system
   » Engagement with key stakeholders from within the health and discapability system as well as from professional associations, academic institutions, unions, leadership abilities programme providers, iwi/M?ori, and community stakeholders
   » Development of a formal proposal for the interim entities for the implementation of the programme itself
Reforming New Zealand’s health system
The Minister of Health has announced a significant reform to New Zealand’s health system, underpinned by major changes to our system’s structure and operating model. The changes will reduce fragmentation, strengthen leadership abilities and accountcapability and improve equity of access and results for all New Zealanders.
The New Zealand health system is complex with a wide network of health professionals, managers and providers meeting the needs of wh?nau and communities. The two entities will have to develop a strong infrastructure around workforce development to prepare all those within that system (workforce, and partners in the community) to implement the system reforms. Implementation of those reforms will require a whole new set of skills for the workforce, including technical skills as well as ‘soft’ behavioural skills.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
The programme of work is grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles, and all functions will involve engagement with diverse stakeholders, and working with M?ori to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Ng? P?kenga me ng? Wheako – Skills and practice
The Programme Manager leadership abilities Development ?will play an important function in developing a business case for a transformative leadership abilities programme for commissioners of the health system in the first instance.
Whilst the team is Wellington located, flexible working is possible. The function will involve national travel.
To be prosperous in this function, you will need the following skill sets:
   » knowledge of how to meet Treaty obligations in a leadership abilities development sense
   » A tertiary qualification in a significant field or an equivalent body of knowledge and practice
   » Conceptual and critical thinking skills
   » Relationship building skills that result in high trust relationships and improved results
   » Strong programme management skills
   » Excellent communication skills, both written and oral, able to express compelling ideas concisely
iHNZ is committed to being a good employer and honouring our equal employment opportunity obligations. We want our team to reflect the diversity of the communities we’re working to improve care for, including those which have been historically underserved by the health system; so we particularly welcome applications from M?ori, Pacific people, disabled people, and the LGBTQI+ communities. We endeavour to provide flexible employee practices and conditions to support a healthy work-life balance, including part-time and flexible working arrangements.

How to submit the application:

More information For an informal discussion before application Contact Us by Helene Carbonatto quoting reference number MOH/1592925 Advertising for this function closes at 5pm on Wednesday, 19 January 2022. We encourage diversity and inclusion at iHNZ and are committed to equal opportunity in all our employment policies and procedures.? In particular, we want to ensure accessibility needs are well supported, so the recruitment process is fair and equitable for all. Therefore, please let us know if there is any support, we can provide to ensure the recruitment process is fully accessible to you.


Job Category:  [ View All Jobs ]
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Employment type:
Salary: Unspecified
Degree: Unspecified
Experience (year): Unspecified
Job Location: Anywhere, Other
Company Type Employer
Post Date: 2025/01/06 / Viewed 8074 times
Contact Information
Company: HainesAttract
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