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Offer: Senior Advisor, Organisational Performance & Assurance:Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission

Job description:

Job Description

Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission leads the public sector to make a positivedifference for New Zealand and New Zealanders.
Ranga Whaka? Whakaritenga Organisational Performance and Assurance provides leadership abilities andtrusted advice to ensure the Commission can effectively deliver on its mission as a high- performing organisation - whilst maintaining trust and confidence, and keeping our people safe,secure, and accountable. Our work ensures that the Commission identifies and harnessesopportunities to enhance organisational performance, to effectively deliver on our mission tolead the Public Service.
• Do you have strong writing expertise and practice in preparing reports and proposals for awide variety of audiences?
• Do you enjoy working collaboratively across a variety of areas to help shape andcommunicate high quality advice?
• Does your customer focus drive you to connect with people to understand their context soyou can provide useful and significant support?
We are seeking for a Senior Advisor who thrives in a results-focused environment and canwork flexibly across our planning and performance reporting, risk and assurance portfolios.You are skilled in organisation-level planning and performance reporting, meeting statutory reporting and accountcapability requirements, producing high quality accountcapabilitydocuments which tell our story and impact (e.g., annual report and strategic intentions).
You effectively identify risks and opportunities and ensure strong processes are in place with aview to ensuring effective risk management.
You are skilled at developing and maintaining fit for purpose policies and processes thatenables the organisation to execute at its best and in a manner which function-models goodpractice for a Public Service agency.
If you would like to discuss this function, Contact Us by
We believe in a diverse and inclusive Public Service which reflects the communities that we serve.
You must have the right to live and work in New Zealand to apply for this job. Talk to us aboutwhat flexible work arrangements might work for both you and us.
This position usually pays between $99,200 to $116,700 depending on expertise and practice.
Please note that all candidates are required to apply via
Please submit your application by or on: 22/06/2023

How to submit the application:

Please Apply Using this Link:Senior Advisor, Organisational Performance & Assurance | Wellington - Wairarapa | NZ Government Jobs


Job Category:  [ View All Jobs ]
Language requirements:
Employment type:
Salary: Unspecified
Degree: Unspecified
Experience (year): Unspecified
Job Location: Wellington
Company Type Employer
Post Date: 2025/02/19 / Viewed 4362 times
Contact Information
Company: Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission
Contact Email:

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