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Offer: Chief Executive, Health New Zealand:Maori Pacific Jobs

Job description:

Job Description

Chief Executive, Health New Zealand (H21_3809)

   »Once in a Generational Health and Discapability System Reform
   »Visionary and Inspirational System Level Leader
   »Lead, Drive and Enable Equitable Health results
   »Significant scale new Crown entity
   »Senior and key public service leadership abilities function
Health and Discapability System Review
In April 2021 the government confirmed its decision to embark on a once in a generational health and discapability system reform and this includes the creation of two new organisations; Health New Zealand and the M?ori Health Authority.
Health New Zealand
From 1 November 2021 through to 30 June 2022 Health New Zealand will become a Departmental Agency hosted by the Ministry of Health, supported by an interim Board established under section 11 of the NZ Public Health and Discapability Act.
From 1 July 2022 Information technology will become a Crown entity governed by a Board, taking over the functions of all 20 District Health Boards, the Health Promotion Agency and current Ministry of Health operational functions and become the employer of up to approximately 80,000 staff, responsible for $20 billion of operating expenditure and $24 billion (replacement value) of assets.
Chief Executive Health New Zealand
The Chief Executive will be tasked first to lead the establishment phase of Health New Zealand and prepare Information technology to take on the full powers and responsibilities that Information technology will acquire as a Crown entity from 1 July 2022.
To enable that the Chief Executive will work closely with the Minister of Health, interim Health New Zealand Board, Director General of Health and the Chief Executive of the M?ori Health Authority to ultimately ensure the prosperous migration of functions from DHBs and the Ministry of Health into Health New Zealand.
Going forward to Chief Executive and their team will strengthen the health and discapability system to ensure every New Zealander can access the right care at the right time and the needs of M?ori, Pasifika and a number of priority populations are met.
Applicant Profile
Health New Zealand, once formed, will be the country's largest Crown entity and the Chief Executive will hold a senior and key leadership abilities function in the public service.
To be considered for this exceptional and significant function candidates will need to demonstrate an outstanding track record of achievement leading a complex, large scale and distributed organisation.
They must also be determined and steadfast in driving transformational change by embedding pro equity frameworks and investment in areas that reduce and ultimately resolve the health disparities the exist in New Zealand.
Key capabilities and attributes can be summarised as:
1. broad practice in leading organisations of significant scale and complexity with a large, distributed multi-disciplinary workforce
2. Proven track record of enabling and implementing sustainable, transformational change through dynamic, disruptive and creative leadership abilities
3. Demonstrated commitment to lead a system that ensures services and resources are designed and delivered to meet the reform aspirations of achieving equity for M?ori, Pasifika and the discapability community
4. Advanced commercial and financial acumen, budget and asset management capcapability including capital allocation and oversight of large capital works programmes
5. A proven track record of managing and leveraging organisational information and system capcapability and investing wisely in future innovations and technologies
6. Demonstrated knowledge of the complexities of sound corporate management and governance with signi?cant practice of reporting to a Board, Ministers and government
7. Sound knowledge of the New Zealand health sector, the wider public service and the statutory framework for the governance and management of Crown agencies
8. Comprehensive knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles and frameworks, particularly as they apply in healthcare and other settings
9. Credibility, able to achieve credibility, with Iwi and M?ori as tangata whenua and Pasifika communities
10. Proven practice of working with the discapability community and diverse communities, to deliver positive results
11. Deep commitment to hearing individual, family and whanau voices and the promotion of self-determined and led wellbeing
12. broad practice of working prosperously with key stakeholders such as but not limited to the primary/community, professional bodies, unions, media, cross agency partners
More information about this exceptional opportunity can be foundHERE.We invite qualified candidates to contact either Paul Ingle, Kevin Hardy or Pete Carter.
   », P: +64 21 029 18623
   », P: +61 412 131 334
   », P: +61 448 729 077
Applications Close: 10/10/2021

How to submit the application:

APPLY HERE More information about this exceptional opportunity can be foundHERE. We invite qualified candidates to contact either Paul Ingle, Kevin Hardy or Pete Carter.
   », P: +64 21 029 18623
   », P: +61 412 131 334
   », P: +61 448 729 077 Applications Close: 10/10/2021


Job Category:  [ View All Jobs ]
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Employment type:
Salary: Unspecified
Degree: Unspecified
Experience (year): Unspecified
Job Location: Wellington
Company Type Employer
Post Date: 2025/02/19 / Viewed 8989 times
Contact Information
Company: Maori Pacific Jobs
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